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PTSD Treatment in Georgia
Comprehensive Care for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Georgia Recovery Campus is a trusted treatment center in Macon, GA, with a reputation for helping people confront and overcome a range of mental health issues, including PTSD.
Backed by a top-class recovery team, we integrate a whole-person, holistic approach with evidence-based treatment plans, programs, and therapies designed to enrich and empower patients as they recover. We also emphasize personalized support and take great pride in providing a pristine, amenities-rich campus with a discrete, private, and nurturing environment where you can become your best self.
Are you struggling with PTSD or wondering if you might be experiencing symptoms? Call Georgia Recovery Campus today at (478) 216-1110 or contact us online and take the first step toward healing with compassionate care!
Understanding PTSD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental health condition that can develop after experiencing some type of trauma or witnessing something traumatic. Trauma is defined as an event or series of events that threaten harm, injury, or death to oneself or others, and it overwhelms an individual's ability to cope. These events may include but are not limited to:
- Combat Exposure: Military personnel who have experienced combat situations may develop PTSD due to the intense and prolonged stress of combat, exposure to life-threatening situations, and witnessing the injury or death of comrades.
- Physical or Sexual Assault: Survivors of physical or sexual assault may develop PTSD because of the trauma inflicted upon them. The violation of personal boundaries and loss of control over one's body can lead to profound psychological distress.
- Natural Disasters: Individuals who have experienced natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires, may develop PTSD due to the sudden and overwhelming destruction of their environment, loss of homes or loved ones, and the sense of helplessness during the event.
- Serious Accidents: Those involved in serious accidents, such as car crashes, may develop PTSD due to the life-threatening nature of the event, physical injuries sustained, and the psychological impact of witnessing or experiencing the accident.
- Childhood Abuse or Neglect: Children who have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, as well as neglect or other traumatic events in childhood, may develop PTSD because of the chronic and pervasive trauma they endured during their formative years.
PTSD can develop at any age and can also happen to people who haven’t been through a dangerous event themselves. In some cases, learning of trauma experienced by a close friend or family member can cause PTSD. According to the National Center for PTSD, roughly 6 of every 100 people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives.
Symptoms of PTSD
Feeling afraid, anxious, or uneasy during and after traumatic situations is natural and part of the body’s “fight-or-flight” response meant to help us avoid or respond to potential danger. These post-trauma feelings or reactions can vary from person to person and, for many, will typically go away over time. People who continue to experience these feelings, especially if they persist for more than one month and interfere with their daily lives, are typically diagnosed with PTSD.
When diagnosing PTSD, medical professionals will look for the following types of symptoms:

Why Choose Georgia Recovery Campus?
We understand how difficult recovery is. We work one on one with you every step of the way to ensure we are helping you make the necessary changes to obtain the life you deserve.
When you come to our facility, you are not only getting a beautiful campus and quality services, but you are also getting a team who truly cares about your recovery.
Our dedicated, experienced, and compassionate team of experts is here for you every step of the way. We have the tools, resources, and knowledge to help you on your journey.
At Georgia Recovery Campus we treat the entire mind, body, and spirit. When you come to us, we work one on one with you to select the track that would be most beneficial to you and your goals.